BluePhoneElite 2 一個在Mac上面可以用來透過藍牙控制含管理行動電話的軟體
- Use your computer's microphone and speakers like a Bluetooth hands-free device!
- Phone to computer call-log synchronization
- Incoming call notification with caller ID and customizable alerts
- On-screen call controls and duration tracking
- Search and export call details with notes
- Access messages when phone is not connected
- Message changes synchronize when phone connects
- Organize messages in local folders
- Incoming message notification
- Searchable database supports 100,000+ messages
- Integration with Apple apps: Address Book, iCal, iChat, iTunes and more...
更不用說還可以pop up incoming call跟caller ID display了, 想想其實Bluetooth PC Dialer 2.0跟voice gateway bundle在一起似乎不是以件很難的事, standby或get caller ID或許複雜一點....怎麼沒有人想做這樣的軟體呢!?